Thursday, April 15, 2010

Making a video with a cool young Czech film maker

Sitting at my kitchen table, but it's just like being back in the video edit bays and recording studios I've been in before in my career as a video producer and paid hack...from Northrop Grumman in lavish Century City CA, to a big rich insurance company in Madison,Wisconsin ("Wisco" to tha cool natives), to NPR recording studios in LA, etc... when you're recording and cutting, it's the same thing still, only now the technology is seriously portable. My Czech film maker friend Joachim Vesely and I made a short little video recently that got him into film school in Scotland, one of only 13 choice spots in the whole college of art in Scotland's historic hard-drinking Edinburgh. He doesn't see dead people, he sees drunk people...nightly, stumbling, and "old" (in their late thirties! he says). So happy that our little video road trip to some of Orange County's stores and the evil Trinity Broadcasting Network ended up getting him a place in Euro film history! Right now we're editing and putting the final touches on our video, and I'll link to it when it goes live...very soon, can't wait. You know what they say---"The devil finds work for idle hands."

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