Looks like an interesting blog from a woman who found me on Facebook. So far it seems very informative, although I only scratched the surface...but as any agent can tell you, you know if someone can write or not from the first paragraph.
I've been traveling the world lately, and I've seen the luxuries and the miseries it offers. I'm continuing my inborn quest for knowledge and insight---when I'm not parenting, or in my case, especially when I'm parenting! If you've read my book A Real Boy: A True Story of Autism, Early Intervention and Recovery (published by Berkley/Penguin), you'll know what I mean. With great struggle comes a little bit of great wisdom if we're lucky.
Looks like an interesting blog from a woman who found me on Facebook. So far it seems very informative, although I only scratched the surface...but as any agent can tell you, you know if someone can write or not from the first paragraph.