Monday, May 24, 2010

late at night, it's calm here

Laguna Beach is calm tonight, just like the inside of my home---few people moving around, slightly cool air temp, unclassifiable but picturesque architecture....the main difference is that the kitchen never closes here. I can serve myself all the treats I want...and I often do. My son, my husband and I wandered around town for a dream trip together tonight after the homework was done. We slipped down a tiny backstreet and found a gelato store, which we nibbled from small cups with delight. We visited the second-smallest Catholic cathedral in the world, a tiny little dollhouse of a church with lots of old crosses and tortured oil paintings visible through the murky glass. We crossed the corner near the Hare Krishna place, and wondered why we always see these vague-faced young people parade in their glowing coral robes through Prague, London, Vancouver, and other cities, but we've never seen them do one of those drum-beating parades in the US? It was a lovely night. I would not trade it for the chance to go to the Oscars, see the Stones, drive the racetrack, or any other kind of exciting outing. Nights like this, however rare, are what I always dreamt of. A real family. A little piece of this joy is all I need today.


  1. Im not sure if this is really Christina Adams or not, but if it is I would like to express my love for your book. I read it when it first came out. I had no kiddos, and now I have two! My little boy (also named Jonah) will be 3 next month and was diagnosed a month ago. Your book came to mind as I heard the behavior specialist talking and called my boy'peculiar' in the way he displays his autistic traits. I found the book and have once again started reading it. Our Jonah's have so much in common, it's odd. Tomorrow morning Jonah goes into the PINGREE (autistic school) for testing to see if the school would be a good match. It's like your story is following mine, only my guy has CF as well, and we have known for a while that he has slow learning, as he does not talk.
    Sorry Im babbling, Thanks shareing your story and if you have another blog that you currently write on please let me know.. I am dying to know how your angel is doing!!!

  2. Hi great to hear from you. Yes, you have the right person...I'm that author of a Real Boy. My real boy is doing very well. He has an enormous vocabulary and mind to match, and now that he is almost 13, he loves to wield it with great almost-teen vigor. I am not allowed to walk him to the bus stop, hug him in public, comment on his appearance, etc. Odd and amusing to have a child who is still a little boy one moment, and nearly a man the other. I'm so glad you're getting support from my book for your very own "Jonah." What a coincidence. All the info in my book is totally current. Biomed is super important, and it takes a lot of work. I will be wishing the best for you and your boys and would like to hear Jonah's progress notes here if you want. What's his CF..cystic fibrosis or chronic fatigue? best, Christina
