Saturday, November 7, 2009

Around the block and still going

When you're a child on a Big Wheel, you long to pedal madly to the end of the block. Such a long way! You can't see around the corner and getting as far as the forbidden stop sign is enough for you right now. After you get to the stop sign, you look and there is another street, one you knew existed in a hazy way, having heard adults talk of it. So you want to go around that corner too. Soon you're walking around the block like you own it, which you do. It's yours and your life happens on it...people met, places you've gone, schools and friends and holidays spent on that block. Eventually you move away, but you always find things in your new life that remind you of the block that was the setting for your experiences. Eventually, you find yourself on a similar block, and you might think, hey, I've been here before. Not exactly here, but someplace like this, so familiar....And you have. But you have changed. Are you ready to go around the block again? I've been around a few blocks a few times. Marriage, state lines, divorce, lovers old and new, parenting, commitments, lawyers, damn doctor's offices, jetways, IEPs, friends, exes, the frightening white space under UNTITLED. But there are a hell of a lot of blocks to go around, and they're never exactly the same as the first time you negotiated them.

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